Go Back Mariposa Signature
Mariposa Signature
Mariposa's Signature Collection is both classic in design and sleek it nature and lends itself to a traditional style perfect for any occassion.

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Signature Medium Oval Ice Bucket Dimensions: 13.78\ L x 7.48\ W x 10.24\H

Care:  Handwash in warm water with mild soap and towel-dry immediately

Signature Medium Oval Ice Bucket
1 in stock

Signature Cheese & Cracker Server with Dark Wood Insert Dimensions: 17.87\ L x 7.87\ W x 1.22\H

Care:  Handwash in warm water with mild soap and towel-dry immediately

Signature Cheese & Cracker Server with Dark Wood Insert
1 in stock

Signature Statement Tray 6 1/2\ 6.3\ Length x 3.5\ Width x .6\ Height
Recycled Sandcast Aluminum

Signature Statement Tray 6 1/2"
Signature 2-Tiered Centerpiece Stand 15\ 17.3\ Length x 17\ Width x 15\ Height

Recycled Sandcast Aluminum

Signature 2-Tiered Centerpiece Stand 15"
Signature Service Tray 20\ 19.89\ Length x 11.61\ Width x 1.58\ Height

Recycled Sandcast Aluminum

Signature Service Tray 20"